Monday, September 15, 2008


Ike came to SW Ohio yesterday in a pissed off mood. Apparently he didn't destroy enough homes and property in Texas so he continued on. No school today b/c power is out all over, thankfully we got ours back on. I'm getting caught up on grading papers and working on some socks. The little one and myself are both sick and she has been getting breathing treatments so it was good that I didn't have to work and that we finally got our power back. Hate to see people cleaning up and the work that will need to be done on their homes. Really hate to see what the people in Texas have had to go through. My prayers are with them - I can't imagine.

1 comment:

Winnie said...

Glad to know that you are safe! Some of my classmates with University of Phoenix also had some close calls over the weekend. Scary, scary stuff. Hope your little one feels better soon!